Collaborative Governance and Metropolitan Planning in South East Queensland - 1990 To 2010: From a Voluntary to a Statutory Model

This report, prepared by Dr John Abbott for the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) in collaboration with the Council of Mayors SEQ and the Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning (Growth Management Queensland), provides a brief history of metropolitan planning in SEQ from 1996 to 2010, focusing on the factors behind the move from a voluntary to a statutory planning model and drawing out the lessons for other states and multi-level planning regions from the analysis.
5 Amazing Financial Benefits of Solar Panel Installation
Solar panel installation saves you money and is suitable for the environment. With Australia as the best solar energy resource in the world, what better place to harness the rays of the sun!
You won't get a monthly electric bill, and you can even sell your unused energy back to the solar company. In addition, you're helping the environment by lessening your carbon footprint.
Here are five amazing financial benefits of solar panel installation.
1. Solar Panel Installation Means No Electric Bill
When you install solar panels on your home or business, you create your own electricity. Imagine going through life without an electric bill! You will never worry about how much your electric bill will be each month.
While there is an upfront cost to panel installation, you'll save money over time. You will never write another check to the electric company.
2. Generate Income
You will never use all of the solar energy you produce through your solar panels. You can then sell that solar you generate at your home or business back to the solar company. The power goes back to the grid! With the solar company then paying you money, you create passive income. Imagine each year getting money back from the solar company!
3. Tax Credits
Who doesn't love to save money thanks to tax credits? With solar panel installation on your home, you'll get tax credits of up to 50% from the government. The government wants to encourage people to use solar panels. They want to create financial benefits for people to save money.
4. Increased Property Value
When there's solar panel installation at your home, you increase the value of your property. Because your home will not come with a monthly electric bill, it saves money. If you decide to sell your home, you'll get a higher return on your solar panel installation. People want to save money on their electricity and don't want to go through the solar panel installation process. A home with panels already on the house will be a big selling point.
5. Community Solar
Perhaps you don't want solar panels on the roof of your home, or you can't generate the type of solar power needed. There's no upfront cost to installing solar panels with community solar. You can belong to a community solar power system. A field of solar panels sends power to a group of people living in a particular area. You subscribe to the service, and then your home runs on solar power.
The Financial Benefits of Solar Panel Installation
There are many financial benefits to solar panel installation, including no electric bill, and you can generate income by selling the power you generate back to the solar company! There are tax credits, and you can use a community solar system if you don't want to make a considerable investment. Using solar energy is a great way to help the environment and to save you money.
Contact us to help you get started on the road to the financial benefits of solar energy!