2015 Local government research symposium - Launceston

Registrations are now open for the next Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) Research Symposium, now established as a key sector event for the sharing of great ideas within and for Australian local government.
The Symposium will be held on Tuesday 21st July in Launceston in conjunction with the 2015 Local Government Association of Tasmania Annual Conference.
Headline Symposium themes include:
- Regionalism studies - implications for Tasmania
- Local government in Tasmania enabling great communities
- Local governments taking on their leadership role
- Reform in local government - lessons from around Australia.
The Symposium will include formal and informal sessions and workshops intended to: showcase examples of current local government research and practice which relate to key policy issues for Tasmania and Australia; provide opportunities for local government practitioners to share information and outcomes of their research projects; and discuss the implications of research for local government policy and practice.
Registrations are now open at www.acelg.org.au/2015symposium
Detailed information about the program including speakers and abstracts will be available from the above link in the coming weeks.