Call for Papers - Urban Issues in Asia and the Pacific Rim

The UTS Centre for Local Government will co-facilitate a Special Track theme at the next Urban Affairs Association (UAA) 46th Annual Conference to be held in San Diego, California between March 16-19, 2016.
The theme is 'Urban Issues in Asia and the Pacific Rim'.
Conference abstracts or proposals are invited and due by 1 October. (Late submissions are not accepted.)
The Track Committee comprises: Cathy Yang Liu, Georgia State University, USA (Chair); Bligh Grant, UTS Centre for Local Government, Australia; Canfei He, Peking University - Lincoln Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, China; Richard T. LeGates, San Francisco State University, USA; Xuefei Ren, Michigan State University, USA; and Lin Ye, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.
The UAA is North America's leading urban policy research association. With increasing population concentration and economic activities in small, medium, large, and mega-cities, the UAA recognises the growing importance of Asia and Pacific Rim as focal points of world urbanization. This will be an important opportunity to join the Centre and international colleagues in this debate.
View the Special Track theme and submission guidelines here.
More information: Dr Bligh Grant | [email protected] | 02 9514 4901