ACELG launches report on food safety

ACELG today released a report on food safety practices for Australian local governments. The project undertook research that explored current attitudes and beliefs concerning food safety within a diverse set of food business contexts, and includes a research report and a food safety strategy template for utilisation by councils.
This research project involved focus groups or interviews with food business operators and young food handlers to explore their food safety understanding, attitudes, practices and the organisational culture in which they participated. The research concluded that local governments need to adopt a holistic approach to food safety that considers all factors that influence food safety outcomes, and a customisable food safety strategy template and accompanying guidelines have been developed to assist local governments implement such an approach.
Food Safety: Maximising impact by understanding the food business context (Report)
Food Safety Strategy Template (A customisable template for councils developing a food safety strategy)
Food Safety Strategy Template: Supporting information (Accompanying guidelines for preparation of the food safety strategy)