IPWEA launches manuals

The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA) CEO Robert Fuller launched the 2015 editions of manuals to support public works professionals in councils and other organisations.
The International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) and the Australian Financial Infrastructure Management Manual (AIFMM) were launched at IPWEA NSW and Qld Division conferences and at the Victorian AGM in October. The IIMM and AIFMM provide clarity on a range of recent changes to help public works professionals manage and report on their public assets, and their revision was supported by Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) at the University of Technology Sydney.
The Manuals can be purchased separately and as a companion set from the IPWEA's online bookshop.
A series of one-day workshops and webinars designed to support manual users are now rolling out nationally - please see IPWEA's upcoming events for further detail with workshops in New Zealand to be advised shortly.
More information about the Manuals can be viewed here.