Module 1 is Now Complete

Module 1 of the Excellence in Local Government Leadership Program was successfully delivered to 41 participants last week.
From the 18 - 23 July, CEOs, Directors, Mayors and Councillors from across Australia and New Zealand participated in the Excellence in Local Government Leadership Program which focused on defining the challenge for local government.
Presenters included Prof Gerry Stoker (University of Southampton), Prof John Alford (ANZSOG), Peter Thompson (ANZSOG), Jude Munro (former CEO of Brisbane City Council), Virginia Haussagger (ABC News) and Prof John Martin (La Trobe University).
The group also heard from Stephanie Foster (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government), Leesa Croke (FaHCSIA), Andrew Cappie-Wood (ACT Government) and the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, Joy Burch MLA.
Participants began work on a problem solving exercise which will continue between the modules and be presented during Module 2. Topics include asset management, doing more with less, workforce planning and retention, community engagement and managing demographic change.
Module 2 will take place at University House, ANU, from 5 – 10 September 2011.
For more information about the program, please visit the ELGLP webpage at
Image: (L-R) Presenters Jude Munro (former CEO of Brisbane City Council) and Professor Mark Evans.