Social Cohesion Dialogue in Victoria

Centre Deputy Director Melissa Gibbs participated in a targeted dialogue to discuss social cohesion in the City of Greater Dandenong and Victoria recently.
The event, 'Creating Change through Dialogue: Social Cohesion – Young people and families' was hosted by the City of Greater Dandenong on Friday 6 November and featured Gabrielle Williams MP, State Member for Dandenong; Councillor Sean O’Reilly, Mayor, City of Greater Dandenong; Professor Greg Barton, Deakin University and an expert panel comprising Abdullahi Alim, PaVE and MYHACK programs; Mark Duckworth, Community and Resilience Unit, Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Inspector Bruce Kitchen, Victoria Police and Australian Federal Police.
Melissa spoke about the importance of social cohesion to Australians, and referenced the Australian Human Rights Commission/ACELG Online Resource.
Melissa Gibbs has also authored a blog detailing the event's key talking points and outcomes. View here.