Workforce and Indigenous Employment Forum

For the diary: The next LGMA/ACELG National Local Government Workforce and Indigenous Employment Forum will take place at Old Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 December.
The Forum will showcase some of the best practices and narratives from across the country from the local government workforce and Indigenous employment areas. This will include developments regarding federal programs, VET reform and local government impacts, skill impacts and Indigenous leadership. The Forum will also inform the sector about projects that ACELG and the LGMA has been working on that can inform these.
Over the next few weeks we will be working on the program and inviting speakers. If you are interested in the local government workforce and critical issues that ought to be covered, or would like more information about the program, please contact Alex Kats at the LGMA (now called LG Professionals Australia)
We are looking forward to a very engaging Forum in Canberra that will include industry practitioners, government officials and federal MPs (invited), and we hope you can join us!
Alex Kats | Project Manager – Workforce | LG Professionals Australia
T: 03 9682 9222 | E: [email protected]
Image supplied LG Professionals Australia