Professor Frances Shannon

University of Canberra
Professor Frances Shannon is Deputy Vice Chancellor Research at the University of Canberra with responsibility for developing and implementing the research strategy of the university, and research education and training. Professor Shannon was educated in Ireland at University College Dublin completing a BSc (Hons) and a PhD in biochemistry there before moving to Australia.
Professor Shannon was previously interim Director (2008-2009) and Deputy Director (2007-2008) of the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) at the Australian National University.
Professor Shannon has had a successful career in biomedical research, research supervision and administration. She has a significant record in attracting major competitive grants and infrastructure support, in publishing her research in high impact international journals and in training PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. She remains a Professor (honorary) of the Australian National University where she continues to run her research laboratory.
Professor Shannon has served on numerous national bodies and assessment panels especially for the National Health and Medical Research Council and has recently contributed to the national agenda for investment in bioplatform technologies and "omics" technologies through Bioplatforms Australia and NCRIS. During 2009, she was instrumental in developing the ANU strategy for bioscience research as the University restructured and developing a university-wide strategy for genomics technology investment.